Saturday, May 19, 2007


The realities of the war can still be seen and felt here; Srebrenica was a town hit hard by ethnic cleanising. More than 8,000, persons were killed. The citizens of this area , which is now in the Republica Serbska part of Bosnia and Herzegovina want the government to make a special grant to the town, to afford it the status of a specialized free zone. They have come to Sarajevo to protest. We came upon the refugee camp last week. A hudge orthodox cemetary
The front of the camp
One of the many enormous muslim cemetaries. Many of the parks have been turned into make-shift burial grounds.
The newly rebuilt/ reminance of the bombed maternity hospital one of the first targets in the war.

A recent descision from the Hauge stated that Serbia, not Repulika Serbska, as a nation was not responcible for the genocide in Srebrenica
These people have arrived several weeks ago and have set up camp here in this parking lot.

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