To deal with the weather we go to the waterpark.

When I arrived in Edmonton two weeks ago, I gloated to Paul on the phone that the weather was wonderful and spring like, while Toronto sat in a dreary cloud of rain. Karma bit me in the ass. By the time I was about to board the red-eye back last Tuesday, Edmonton was in a thick tizzy of snow, making the drive to the airport next to impossible. How did we even take off?
The weather in Edmonton, for those who have not had the pleasure to experience it first hand, is the "big brother of the city." It is an ominous part of everyone's life, and all the citizens must abide by its rules and laws. It is the only place I know where one may be wearing sandals in the morning, and a parka in the afternoon.
It is my observation, that Edmontonians, unlike Torontonians, are much more adaptable people. During some of the winter storms here in Ontario, Toronto seemed all but paralyzed - later boasting proudly it DID NOT have to call in the military "this" time. In Edmonton, the April storm--the severity of which appeared to the untrained eye as relatively more intense than any of Toronto's storms, didn't really affect much.
People said things such as, "Oh shit, look at the snow" or, "Look it's snowing" and then they put back on their winter jackets (which most times they were smart enough to not have put away), brought out their shovels, and went to work on their driveways. They went to work as they always do. They went to the mall. They went for brunch on Sunday morning.
I have to say, I'm proud of Edmonton. It's building some tough citizens. Much like cockraoches and pegioens, I'm of the opinion they can survive anything.
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