Our camera was high jacked by James Foss in the summer. ( Excuse no.1)
We have been busy setting up our life back in North America, and much to our surprise this does not happen over night. ( Excuse no.2)
After several months of neglect to our blog, SarajevoPlus has gotten a face lift. ( Or maybe just a little botox in the corners). I have changed the name to more appropriately suit our current situation since we are no longer dwelling in Sarajevo. Although, we have relocated back to Canada, our hearts are still in TransAtlatic mode. So in the spirit of being away, but not being away I though I'd rename her Trans Atlantic Toronto.
As you may or may not know, Paul is back in school. He is taking a PR program at Centennial College , which to those of you who are trivial geeks was the filming location of Degrassi High. I can picture Joey in the atrium and Wheels leaning on the ramp when I enter the building. He is working hard with his nose constantly in a pile of books- making him the cutest student ever.
I myself am taking a few night courses in Design, trying to locate some temp work, and working on illustration and art. Some days are more prolific than others. Right now you can find me in a pair of jean, having finished a bowl of PC Mac and Cheese, slightly rumpled and not showered. I do not try to evoke this image to get pity. Life simply has a different flow when you are not on the run.
Toronto has a way of working itself into your system in a a slow and strategic way. There is not an instant love affair with the streets and the buildings. In time, however, the neighbourhood and flow of life begin to find a place in the heart. .
There is a lot going on in this bustling urban centre. I will do my best to keep tabs.
Enjoy the new blog. cheers Sandra
1 comment:
You 2 are on our favourites list. We look forward to reading about your lives in our country's busiest locale. We voted on your poll and can't wait to see you on our camels!! Lets set up a Skype session soon. Anyeong.
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