November 25th kicked off the end of this months prostate cancer fund raiser. Paul successfully raised over $350! Thank you all for your support, and cheers toPaul's wicked awesome mustache growing skills.
The Mogala was full of stache aficandos ready to showcase with pride the growth they were able to attain in just one month. Some were more impressive than others, but the winner or the MO bro competition went to a little dude with glasses, who could scarcely grow a mo. I must say, however, there was something endearing about his dorkiness, which made this underdog the favourite.
Favourite Mo Bro ensemble went to a group of cowboys, who in my opinion were not all that cool and won simply on the fact that they had more friends in the audience to cheer for them. Paul and his bros came as second runners up. I think I lost my voice cheering as loudly as I could for their sexy 70's get ups, and cheesy chest hair. Awesome is a world that can barely scrapes the ice on this one. They were beyond awesome and should have gone home with the title. Dispite their loss, the boys gained the attention of a Mcleans photographer who decided to do an impromptu shoot for the magazine. Hopefully next month Paul's mo will be famous.
The Mo comes off this Friday, and a part of me will be sad that it is gone. I think a mustache gives a man a certain ability to get away with many things they would never otherwise dream of doing. There is a certain je ne sais quoi? to the mo. ( I have never seen Paul dance as much in our whole relationship as he did on Mo Gala night) One may argue the mo gives one a bit of hair to hide behind. I, however, disagree. I think the mo gives men the chance to be someone they are not, and with that fantasy comes an attitude to boot.